Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Hang Outs... Brooklyn, NY

 The Candy Escape Show

Opening Event: Friday October 12th - 7 to 11pm

Show Running from: October 12th to November 4th, 2012

Camilla d'Errico finds joy in angst - in shape and in form, in color and in texture - and in the embodiment of passion. She loves capturing the tension, the drama, and the unrest in people’s faces and showing them a reflection of their own deep seated emotions. It is about expressing what they feel and feeling what they express.

Brandi Milne was born and raised in Anaheim, California and always had a love for creativity. Growing up, she was happily influenced by the oddities of the 1970's and 80's, vintage Halloween decorations, classic cartoons and an abundance of nostalgic child playthings. A self taught artist and illustrator, Milne's work represents a melding of many very different genres while embracing beauty and aesthetic over message or propaganda.

♦ Cotton Candy Machine
235 South 1st Street, 
Brooklyn, NY 11211 
Call us - 718.387.3844 ♦

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